Visit to the stand of Albergue Covadonga at the International Trade Fair of Asturias in Gijón of 2017

Becas DAF a niñas de Bihar-India ON-LINE NEWS


Publication date: August 14, 2017


The foundation DAF is honoured to have been included among the collaborating entities of the Albergue Covadonga of Gijón, Principality of Asturias, Spain, a human group dedicated in a most altruistic way to satisfy the necessities of many people who roam our streets and that tomorrow we could be one of them ourselves, as there is a lot of fate in life.


If you are visiting the International Trade Fair in Gijón (from the 5th to the 20th of August), do not forget to visit the stand of this charity. They will be very happy to inform you all about their activities, which are many, and you can take the opportunity to collaborate with their great humanitarian work, by buying some of their beautiful handmade candles, keeping in mind that with little money a lot will be done.


The foundation DAF hopes to have raised enough money this year to share it with the Albergue Covadonga this Christmas, without neglecting our beautiful commitment with the girls whom we have been granting scholarships in India for more than 12 years.


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